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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Chapter 2

§ The Confusion
What just happened? It is so confusing. Before Deepak could understand anything, his attempt to help the guy in the Van with an address, turned into a nightmare. He felt the pressure of human hands pushing him into the Van, as hit the floor, he tried to stabilize himself, by that time he was under the trampling feet of two guys and one more got in stepping on his hand. Before he could say anything or raise his head, someone pressed a wet rag on his mouth, it smelled of chloroform, he knew he was being kidnapped, but why he had no idea. He tried to fight the chemical, but it was too strong. The last thought in his mind was, Prakriti will be waiting for me.
On the other hand, Prakriti stood in the burning afternoon heat, for 2 hours and still couldn’t figure what was wrong, she tried calling his cell, but since he was on roaming, his network continuously failed and she was unable to reach him. It was the worse situation she thought, she didn’t call his house not to unnecessarily alarm his parents. May be she was also a bit miffed by his irresponsibility. It was impossible to tell whether she thought he would eventually turn up, she would make up her mind that she would leave in another 15 minutes if he did not come or call, but those 15 minutes added up to a total of 2 hours. After which exhausted and nearly fainting she hailed a cab and went back home fuming.
She vowed she was not going to call him or remind him anything. There was no point in being upset with someone who doesn’t care about other’s time. The worse kind of offender in her eyes. It reminded her of her ex- boyfriend, the worst mistake of her adult life, she wished Deepak had been a little less supportive and told her to get out of the doomed relation. But she knew all that hardly meant anything now, both of them were to start a new life. One of professionalism from the next month.
The two years of separation for their respective MBA’s had been scary, sometimes she felt on tenter hooks, the mood swings worsened but through it all there was the happy face of her ‘Happy Guy’. Deepak, and even his thought made everything well, everything fine and nice. She never could think of losing his friendship. It was too much of a nightmare to even think about it.
But she hated to think about her Ex, and here Deepak made her think about just him. This uncaring attitude towards other people’s feeling just got to her. She started to wonder may be she had heard the date wrong. Could that be?
She felt stupid, for having stood there for such a long time, when she should have simply called his home. Then again she thought, why should she call, she will wait for him to call, no use putting one into a false position. She felt tired and faint, she reached home, and took a long shower, and sat to read a book with a glass of iced tea.
Deepak bounced as much was possible under the feet, he was half conscious of the pain in his chest, was he having his asthma attack, he couldn’t think, he kept hoping this was a nightmare that would soon be over.
He heard the voices, they were saying something in vernacular, he couldn’t concentrate on the words, there were other sounds that distracted him again. He closed his eyes, the darkness was better.


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